Thursday, February 18, 2010

Boys Wearing Skirts Field Hockey Title IX And Boys Wearing Skirts For Field Hockey?

Title IX and boys wearing skirts for field hockey? - boys wearing skirts field hockey

Is it really legal for an institution that, yes, we allow children in the hockey team in the country girl, Title IX SA play because he said we should do, but then they say, may do so only if they the uniform of the same girl like a rock? Is it not playing as a barrier to excessive only for children outside or attempt to dissuade even if the law allows?


Quirk said...

It's just a uniform. It is technically feasible in children and no way to push your fitness sport.

Could the same reasoning, if the uniform consisted of shorts, but he was decorated in a very feminine? In what would be the end point as a unit?

It's not about nudity. It is rather a concept of sexuality. One could argue that playing a woman on a baseball team of people should be allowed to have special accommodations, a uniform to wear consisting of a pink miniskirt.

But - I think it would be useful to view the details of school sports require (all sports and are protected by a county or regional group supervised), a unisex uniform that all can accept.

Jessica W said...

If all pay the same uniform, do not see how. If the team wore shorts and a child was asked to wear a skirt, maybe, but if everyone contributes skirts as part of the uniform and the Kid, the team increased, it would probably be right to say that I had / or use a different uniform.

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